Produção Bibliográfica de André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade

Artigos em periódicos
  1. Direct sales and bargaining.
    The Rand Journal of Economics. vol. 55, pp. 749-787, 2024
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Javier Donna; Pedro Pereira; Yun Pu; Renan Yoshida
  2. The role of output reallocation and investment in coordinating environmental markets.
    International Journal of Industrial Organization. vol. 83, pp. 102843, 2022
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Jose Miguel Abito; Christopher R. Knittel; Konstantinos Metaxoglou
  3. Exporting global warming? Coal trade and the shale gas boom.
    Canadian journal of economics. vol. 55, pp. 1294-1333, 2022
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Christopher R. Knittel; Konstantinos Metaxoglou; Anson Soderbery
  4. Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries.
    Management Science. vol. 68, pp. 8083-8115, 2022
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Javier Donna; Pedro Pereira; Tiago Pires
  5. Environmental Implications of Market Structure: Shale Gas and Electricity Markets.
    International Journal of Industrial Organization. vol. 63, pp. 511-550, 2019
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Christopher R. Knittel; Konstantinos Metaxoglou
  6. Ex-post Evaluation of Mergers in the Supermarket Industry.
    Review of industrial organization. vol. 52, pp. 473-496, 2018
  7. Who monitors the monitor? Effect of party observers on electoral outcomes.
    Journal of Public Economics. vol. 145, pp. 136-149, 2017
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Agustin Casas; Guillermo Diaz
    Economic inquiry. vol. 54, pp. 1484-1498, 2016
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Agustin Casas; Yarine Fawaz
  9. Are we fracked? The impact of falling gas prices and the implications for coal-to-gas switching and carbon emissions.
    Oxford review of economic policy. vol. 32, pp. 241-259, 2016
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Christopher Knittel; Konstantinos Metaxoglou

Capítulo de livros
  1. Demand for Public Transportation and the Design of Optimal Public Policies.
    Infrastructure Investments: Politics, Barriers and Economic Consequences. 1 ed., 2017
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Edmilson de Siqueira Varejão Neto; Leticia Klotz
  2. Demand for Public Transportation and the Design of Optimal Public Policies.
    Infrastructure Investments: Politics, Barriers and Economic Consequences. 1 ed., New York: Nova Science Publishers, v. 1, 2017
    André Garcia de Oliveira Trindade; Leticia Klotz; Edmilson Varejão
  3. Connecting & Enhancing Producer and Consumer Interest: How are consumer choices affected by firm competitions?
    Connecting & Enhancing Producer and Consumer Interest: How are consumer choices affected by firm competitions? 1 ed., São Paulo: Datagro, 2014