Artigos Alguns artigos com pesquisas relacionadas à Indústria Criativa: “Economia criativa” como categoria nativa: a atuação dos economistas e as condições de legitimação de um novo recurso de poder; Étude relative à l’impact du passage à l’UCPS par les services de musique en ligne; Figuring it out: Applying economics to copyright royalty rates for streamed music; Is music streaming bad for musicians? Problems of evidence and argument; ‘Let's keep music special. F—Spotify’: on-demand streaming and the controversy over artist royalties; Modern industrial organization theory of media markets and competition policy implications; Music industry intermediation in the digital era and the resilience of the Majors’ oligopoly: the role of transactional capability; Pro Rata and User Centric Distribution Models: A Comparative Study; Shift of Value in the Music Industry: Analysis of the Effects of Digitalization of Music and Streaming Services; Spotify and streaming music Analysis; The economic impact of streaming beyond GDP; The Music Industry on Blockchain Technology; The upstream effects of the streaming revolution: A look into the law and economics of a spotify-dominated music industry; Virus Shook the Streaming Star: Estimating the COVID-19 Impact on Music Consumption.