Undergraduate Scholarchips

Scholarships Policy

In the provision of scholarships and other student aid, EPGE emphasizes not only academic merit, determination, and dedication to study of each student but also their material needs.

The objective, in this latter respect, is to enable and foster equitable access. Put differently, the aim is to prevent circumstantial and idiosyncratic material difficulties from obstructing access to international-level education in the field of economics for those who wish to pursue it.

Scholarship Types

  • Merit scholarships

The best performing candidates in FGV’s university entrance exam and ENEM are entitled to receive a full or partial scholarship. The number of scholarships granted in this modality is specified in the selection process announcement.

  • Refundable scholarships:

Provided as school financing to students who demonstrate strong academic performance and/or economic-financial need. The percentage awarded to each student varies between 0% and 100% of the tuition fees.

Students must start to refund the amount as of the 60th month after the course start date. The financed amount is adjusted by the Consumer Price Index - Internal Availability (IPC - DI), with no interest.

  • Social scholarships:

These scholarships are awarded according to the socioeconomic situation of applicants. The percentage granted varies from 0% to 100% of the monthly tuition fees, determined based the analysis of documents presented by the applicant.

  • Additional scholarships:

These are partial scholarships granted based on academic performance analysis throughout the course. They are awarded at the beginning of each year (upon the request of students) based on their cumulative performance index (CR).


* The scholarships are renewed every semester. Their maintenance depends on each student’s academic performance and compliance with criteria established by the School.

* The awarding of scholarships and the percentage of tuition fees granted will depend on criteria established by the Scholarships Commission and the availability of resources in the school’s Scholarship Fund.

* Scholarships can be enjoyed for a maximum of 4 (four) years from the date of enrollment in the undergraduate program. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the School’s Administration.