
Displaying 451 - 500 of 1002
Year: 2017
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2017 Gesner Oliveira

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

GO Assosiados 27/10/2017
2017 Leonardo Euler de Morais

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Anatel 27/10/2017
2017 Mansueto Almeida

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Ministério da Fazenda 27/10/2017
2017 Marcos Thadeu Abicalil

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

World Bank Group 27/10/2017
2017 Marilene Ramos

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

BNDES 27/10/2017
2017 Martin Raiser

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the report of the World Bank in the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

World Bank Group 27/10/2017
2017 Paulo César Fernandes da Cunha

Activities at EPGE: Moderator at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

FGV Energia 27/10/2017
2017 Rogério Tavares

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

AEGEA Saneamento 27/10/2017
2017 Thaís Prandini

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Thymos Energia 27/10/2017
2017 Tiago de Barros Correia

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Aneel 27/10/2017
2017 Juan Escobar

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Protocol Invariance and the Timing of Decisions in Dynamic Games" in Economic Research Seminar.

Universidade do Chile 19/10/2017
2017 Christian Moser

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Earnings Inequality and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Brazil" in Seminar of Economic Research.

Columbia Business School 16/10/2017
2017 Cristopher Rauh

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Between the Lines: Prediction of Political Violence Using Newspaper Text" in Seminar of Economic Research.

University of Montreal 05/10/2017
2017 Flávio Cunha

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Parental Beliefs and Investments in Human Capital" in Seminar of Economic Research.

Rice University 28/09/2017
2017 Aimee Verdisco

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

BID 25/09/2017
2017 Carlos Langoni

Activities at EPGE: Commentator at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

Centro de Economia Mundial da FGV 25/09/2017
2017 Carolina Velho

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

Ministério da Educação 25/09/2017
2017 João Marcelo Borges

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

BID 25/09/2017
2017 José Henrique Paim

Activities at EPGE: Moderator at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

FGV EBAPE 25/09/2017
2017 Julia Ribeiro

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

UNICEF 25/09/2017
2017 Kaizô Beltrão

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

FGV EBAPE 25/09/2017
2017 Marcelo Neri

Activities at EPGE: Presenter at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of pre-primary and secondary education"

FGV Social 25/09/2017
2017 Marcos Vinícius Machado

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

Colégio Santo Inácio 25/09/2017
2017 Marieta de Moraes Ferreira

Activities at EPGE: Moderator at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

FGV Ensino Médio 25/09/2017
2017 Marilza Regattieri

Activities at EPGE: Speaker at the Seminar "Basic Education in Brazil: Challenges and possibilities of children's and middle schools".

UNESCO 25/09/2017
2017 Felipe Schwartzman

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "The Benefits of Commitment to a Currency Peg: The Gold Standard, National Banks, and the 1896 U.S. Presidential Election" at Economic Research Seminar

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 21/09/2017
2017 Braz Ministerio de Camargo

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Cassiano Breno Machado Alves’ thesis defense in Doctorate in Economics.

FGV EESP 20/09/2017
2017 Sergei Vieira Silva

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Cassiano Breno Machado Alves’ thesis defense in Doctorate in Economics.

Ibmec 20/09/2017
2017 Fernando Camacho

Activities at EPGE: He gave the lecture Investments in Infrastructure in the Economics for Journalists course.

BNDES 19/09/2017
2017 Gabriel Fiuza

Activities at EPGE: He gave the lecture Investments in Infrastructure in the Economics for Journalists course.

IPEA 19/09/2017
2017 Delfim Gomes Neto

Activities at EPGE: Invited by Professor Humberto Moreira, worked on the research “Financial Globalizatin with Firm Heterogeneity".

NIPE, Universidade do Minho 18/09/2017 to 25/09/2017
2017 Ciro Gomes

Activities at EPGE: Participated as speaker of the panel "Challenges for Brazil: Public policies in a scenario of economic crisis"

Governo do Ceará 14/09/2017
2017 Joel Korn

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker on the subject of Contemporary Themes with the theme "The Integration of Brazil into the World Economy"

WKI Brasil 14/09/2017
2017 Ryan Kellogg

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Information Asymmetry, Drilling Distortions, and Oil and Gas Leases" in Economic Research Seminar.

University of Chicago 14/09/2017
2017 Marcos Cintra Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker on the subject of Contemporary Themes with the theme "Status and prospects for investments in C,T&I in Brazil".

FINEP 12/09/2017
2017 Bruno Ferman

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

FGV EESP 01/09/2017
2017 Cristine Campos

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

FGV EESP 01/09/2017
2017 Daniel Coutinho

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

PUC-Rio 01/09/2017
2017 Eduardo Mendes

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop

FGV EMAp 01/09/2017
2017 Hedibert Lopes

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop

Insper 01/09/2017
2017 Marcelo Fernandes

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

FGV EESP 01/09/2017
2017 Marcelo Medeiros

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

PUC-Rio 01/09/2017
2017 Nathalie Gimenes

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

PUC-Rio 01/09/2017
2017 Paloma Uribe

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

Insper 01/09/2017
2017 Pedro Souza

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop

PUC-Rio 01/09/2017
2017 Pedro Valls

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

FGV EESP 01/09/2017
2017 Sergio Pinheiro Firpo

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop

Insper 01/09/2017
2017 Thiago Costa

Activities at EPGE: participated in the Rio-São Paulo Econometrics Workshop.

FGV EMAp 01/09/2017
2017 Bruno Covas

Activities at EPGE: panel speaker "Challenges for Brazil: The reflexes of economic and political crises for municipal management".

Prefeitura de São Paulo 31/08/2017
2017 Bruno Sultanum Teixeira

Activities in EPGE: Presentation of the article "Private Information in Over-the-Counter Markets" in Economic Research Seminar.

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 29/08/2017