
Displaying 351 - 400 of 1002
Year: 2018
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2018 Klênio Barbosa

Activities at EPGE: The teacher will come to teach a class at the invitation of Professor Humberto Moreira in the Regulation Course.

FGV EESP 29/05/2018 to 30/05/2018
2018 Juan Carlos Conesa

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Optimal austerity” (co-written by Timothy J. Kehoe and Kim J. Ruhl) in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Stony Brook 24/05/2018
2018 Klaus Zillikens

EPGE Activities: Presentation of Lecture "Fake news in International Context" in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Contemporary Issues.

Consulado da Alemanha 22/05/2018
2018 Mehmet Ekmekci

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Reputation and screening in a noisy environment with irreversible actions” (co-written by Lucas Maestri) in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Boston College 17/05/2018
2018 Ana Luiza Neves de Holanda Barbosa

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

IPEA 14/05/2018
2018 Laura Schiavon

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

UFJF 14/05/2018
2018 Ligia Fabris

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

FGV Direito Rio 14/05/2018
2018 Paula Tavares

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

Banco Mundial 14/05/2018
2018 Valéria Lúcia Pero

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

UFRJ 14/05/2018
2018 Ynaê Lopes

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Women, Business And The Law 2018: Gender Equality And Economic Inclusion In Brazil”.

FGV CPDOC 14/05/2018
2018 Ana Luisa Araújo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Ana Luisa will come to work and informally present the research she is developing.

Universidade de Minnesota 08/05/2018 to 09/05/2018
2018 Braz Camargo

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Accountability and Political Competition” (co-written by Arianna Degan, from UQAM) in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

FGV EESP 03/05/2018
2018 Andres Carvajal

Activities at EPGE:  Present article “Level-k reasoning and rational expectations” at the Research Seminar.

IPEA 26/04/2018
2018 Ali Khan

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Large Anonymous Games - Five Years of Progress” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Johns Hopkins 24/04/2018
2018 Ligia Fabris

EPGE Activities: Presentation of Lecture “Gender Questions In Law And Economy” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Contemporary Issues.

FGV Direito Rio 24/04/2018
2018 Gueorgui Kambourov

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Use It or Lose It: Efficiency Gains from Wealth Taxation” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

University of Toronto 19/04/2018
2018 Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho

Activities at EPGE: Participation in the thesis defense of student Luiz Brotherhood.

INSPER 16/04/2018
2018 Tiago Cavalcanti

Activities at EPGE: Participation in the thesis defense of student Luiz Brotherhood.

Cambridge/FGV EESP 16/04/2018
2018 Ignacio Monzon

EPGE Activities:: Presentation of the article “Observational Learning in Large Anonymous Games” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Collegio Carlo Alberto 12/04/2018
2018 Bruno Ricardo Delalibera

Activities at EPGE: Invited by Professor Pedro Ferreira to participate in the Examining Board on 06.04. 2018 at 2 pm, composed by the professors: Pedro Cavalcanti Gomes Ferreira (FGV EPGE) – Advisor, Bruno Ricardo Delalibera- Co-advisor and Carlos Eugênio Ellery da Costa (FGV EPGE).

Universidade de Minnesota 06/04/2018
2018 Lucas Davis

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “How Effective is Energy-Efficient Housing? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Mexico” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

UC Berkeley 05/04/2018
2018 Sérgio Besserman Vianna

EPGE Activities: Presentation of Lecture "Sustainable Development and History in 21st Century" in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Contemporary Issues.

Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico 27/03/2018
2018 Alexandre Barros da Cunha

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Capital taxation in a many-sector economy” in the context of the RBE 70th Anniversary Celebration.

UFRJ 26/03/2018
2018 Gabriel Madeira

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Campaign spending, information acquisition and accountability: A mechanism design approach” in the context of the RBE 70th Anniversary Celebration.

FEA/USP 26/03/2018
2018 Jefferson Bertolai

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Bank runs with many small banks and mutual guarantees at the terminal stage” in the context of the RBE 70th Anniversary Celebration.

FEA/USP 26/03/2018
2018 Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho

Activities at EPGE: Professor Naércio will participate in the student panel Tiago Bonomo that will take place on 03/26/18.

INSPER 25/03/2018 to 26/03/2018
2018 Rafael Azevedo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Rafael will come to EPGE, to participate in the Delson Barros student bench that will take place on 03/20/18.

UFPE 18/03/2018 to 19/03/2018
2018 Rudi Rocha de Castro

Activities at EPGE: Professor Rudi will participate in the student Valdemar Neto stand that will take place on 03/16 at 4 pm.

FGV EESP 15/03/2018 to 16/03/2018
2018 Sergio Pinheiro Firpo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Sergio Firpo, who will come from S. Paulo, to participate in the student board of Valdemar Neto.

Insper 15/03/2018 to 16/03/2018
2018 Marcelo Rodrigues dos Santos

Activities at EPGE: Invited to participate in the defense panel of the doctoral dissertation of student Bruno Ricardo Delalibera on March 9, at 4 pm.

2018 Mitsuru Igami

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article “Measuring the Incentive to Collude: The Vitamin Cartels, 1990-1999” in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Yale University 08/03/2018
2018 Andreas Schaal

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Brazil 2018: Macroeconomic aspects and the resumption of inclusive growth”.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 02/03/2018
2018 Armando Castelar Pinheiro

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Brazil 2018: Macroeconomic aspects and the resumption of inclusive growth”.

FGV IBRE 02/03/2018
2018 Jens Arnold

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Brazil 2018: Macroeconomic aspects and the resumption of inclusive growth”.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 02/03/2018
2018 Paulo de Carvalho Lins

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Brazil 2018: Macroeconomic aspects and the resumption of inclusive growth”.

FGV IBRE 02/03/2018
2018 Vilma da Conceição Pinto

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Brazil 2018: Macroeconomic aspects and the resumption of inclusive growth”.

FGV IBRE 02/03/2018
2018 Claudia Oliveira da Fontoura Rodrigues

Activities at EPGE: Work with Prof. João Victor in the article "Forecasting Bank Liquidity".

Universidade de Minnesota 28/02/2018 to 31/05/2018
2018 Marco Bonomo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Bonomo will be at EPGE, part time (part of the afternoon), working with Professor Cecilia.

INSPER 22/02/2018
2018 Sebastian Fanelli

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Monetary Policy, Capital Controls, and International Portfolios" in the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 05/02/2018
2018 David Jaume

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "The Labor Market Effects of an Educational Expansion. A Theoretical Model with Applications to Brazil "in the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

Cornell University 02/02/2018
2018 Juan Rios

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Welfare Analysis of Transfer Programs with Jumps in Reported Income: Evidence from the Brazilian Scholarship" in the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

Stanford University 31/01/2018
2018 Nathan J. Canen

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Information Accumulation and the Timing of Voting Decisions" in the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

University British Columbia 31/01/2018
2018 David Zarruk Valencia

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Wall Street or Main Street: Who to bail out?" In the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

University of Pennsylvania 29/01/2018
2018 Ana Figueiredo

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Information Frictions in Education and Inequality" in the context of the Academic Seminar of FGV EPGE.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra 26/01/2018
2018 Ana Luiza Neves de Holanda Barbosa

Activities at EPGE: Work with Prof. Carlos Eugênio in the article “Power and use of time in Brazil”.

IPEA 08/01/2018 to 30/04/2018
Year: 2017
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2017 Marinho Bertanha

Activities at EPGE: Worked on the article “Impossible Inference in Econometrics: Theory and Applications to Regression Discontinuity, Bunching, and Exogeneity Tests”.

Universidade de Notre Dame 26/12/2017 to 30/12/2017
2017 Giuliano Carrozza

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Guilherme Garcia de Freitas’ thesis defense in Professional Masters Program in Finance and Business Economics.

PUC-RIO 22/12/2017
2017 Giuliano Carrozza

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Felipe Mazza Mascarenhas’ thesis defense in Professional Masters Program in Finance and Business Economics.

PUC-RIO 22/12/2017
2017 Kyle Herkenhoff

Activities at EPGE: Working with Professor Ricardo Cavalcanti.

University of Minnesota 18/12/2017 to 22/12/2017
2017 Antonio Nucifora

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Banco Mundial 11/12/2017