Professor Francisco Costa was quoted in the article: "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - Terra Notícias - SP - 09/19/2024

Professor Francisco Costa, from FGV EPGE, was quoted in the article "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary", published in Terra Notícias - SP on September 19, 2024.

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Repercussion on the media:

  • 09/19/2024 - "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - Times Brasília Online - DF
  • 09/19/2024 - "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - Rádio Tupi online - RJ
  • 09/19/2024 - "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - O Globo online
  • 09/19/2024 - "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - Valor Online - SP
  • 09/19/2024 - "Lack of doctors in the interior is not just a question of salary" - Agência O Globo - RJ