Professor Aloisio Araujo was quoted in the article: "Renegotiating state debt is social injustice, says FGV professor" - Folha Online - 28/03/2024

Professor Aloisio Araujo from FGV EPGE was quoted in the article "Renegotiating state debt is social injustice, says FGV professor", published in Folha Online on April 28, 2024.

Click here to access the online version.

Repercussion on the Media:

  • 28/03/2024 - "Renegotiating state debt is social injustice, says FGV professor” - MSN Notícias

  • 28/03/2024 - "Brazil and France launch €1 billion investment program over 4 years for the Amazon” - MSN Notícias