On 9 November, the I Seminar on Competition Law occurred through a partnership between FGV EPGE and FGV Direito Rio with the presence of several members of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade). The opening was conducted by the Director of FGV EPGE Professor Rubens Penha Cysne and by the President of CADE, Vinicius Marques de Carvalho. The event featured several panels throughout the day covering topics such as CADE/BACEN conflict, the issue of compliance, the role of regulatory agencies, the sharing economy and investigations and complex negotiations.
The seminar also included the participation of professor of FGV EPGE and Director of CERI, Joísa Dutra, professor at FGV EPGE and Councilor of CADE, Cristiane Alkmin, professor of UFRJ and EPGE, Eduardo Pontual, legal director of BRF, Ana Luisa Rovai, legislative consultant of the federal senate, Francisco Schertel, the director of Rio Bravo Investimentos, Gustavo Franco, the director of FGV Direito Rio, Professor Joaquim Falcão, professors of the Direito Rio Carlos Ragazzo, Caio Farah and Pedro Mizukami, general superintendent of CADE, Eduardo Frade, the attorney general of CADE, Victor Rufino, the members of CADE, Gilvandro de Araujo, Joao Paulo Resende and Alexandre Cordeiro and lawyers Marcio Dias Soares and José Alexandre Buaiz, respectively, from Mattos Filho Advogados and Pinheiro Neto Advogados.
The audience was made up of students, teachers, academics, lawyers, economists and journalists from various media. They participated with questions at the end of the panels, contributing with reflections about the most relevant points.
Check out the media coverage:
DCI Online– SP