Visiting Teaching Staff from Economics Departments

Displaying 401 - 450 of 1002
Year: 2017
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2017 Asta Zviniene

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Banco Mundial 11/12/2017
2017 Fabio Giambiagi

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

BNDES 11/12/2017
2017 Heinz Rudolph

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Banco Mundial 11/12/2017
2017 João Borges

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Globo News 11/12/2017
2017 Laura Carvalho

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Universidade de São Paulo 11/12/2017
2017 Luis Henrique Paiva

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada 11/12/2017
2017 Marcelo Caetano

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Secretaria da Previdência 11/12/2017
2017 Martin Raiser

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Social Security: the challenges of the new demographic regime".

Banco Mundial 11/12/2017
2017 Albert Fishlow

Activities at EPGE: Participated as speaker of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Universidade de Columbia 07/12/2017
2017 Armínio Fraga

Activities in EPGE: Participated as keynote speaker of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Gávea Investimentos 07/12/2017
2017 Consuelo Dieguez

Activities at EPGE: Participated as moderator of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Revista Piauí 07/12/2017
2017 Daniella Diniz

Activities at EPGE: Participated as moderator of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Columbia Global Centers 07/12/2017
2017 Eduardo El Hage

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Ministério Público Federal 07/12/2017
2017 Fernando de Holanda Barbosa Filho

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

FGV IBRE 07/12/2017
2017 Gustavo Franco

Activities in EPGE: Participated as speaker of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Rio Bravo Investimentos 07/12/2017
2017 Jan Svejnar

Activities in EPGE: Participated as moderator of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

University of Columbia 07/12/2017
2017 João Manoel Pinho

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Ministério da Fazenda 07/12/2017
2017 Marcos Troyjo

Activities at EPGE: Participated as speaker of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

BRICS Lab 07/12/2017
2017 Michael Mohallem

Activities at EPGE: Participated as speaker of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

FGV DIREITO RIO 07/12/2017
2017 Patrícia Ellen

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

McKinsey Digital Labs 07/12/2017
2017 Patricia Mosser

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Universidade de Columbia 07/12/2017
2017 Ronaldo Lemos

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Instituto Tecnologia e Sociedade 07/12/2017
2017 Thomas Trebat

Activities in EPGE: Participated as moderator of the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

Columbia Globa Centers 07/12/2017
2017 Vilma da Conceição Pinto

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the "II Forum: Changing the Role of the State: Strategies for Growth".

FGV IBRE 07/12/2017
2017 Gabriel Madeira

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Pedro de Oliveira Carvalho’s thesis defense in Professional Masters Program in Finance and Business Economics.

USP 01/12/2017
2017 Jefferson Donizeti Pereira Bertolai

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Pedro de Oliveira Carvalho’s thesis defense in Professional Masters Program in Finance and Business Economics.

USP/FEA-RP 01/12/2017
2017 Joaquim José Miranda Sarmento

Activities at EPGE: Prof. Joaquim José Miranda Sarmento (Assistant Professor at ISEG) will teach the 2nd part of the Advanced Topics in Public Policy Assessment course for the Professional Master's in Finance and Business Economics at EPGE from November 27 to December 3, 2017.

ISEG 26/11/2017 to 03/12/2017
2017 Jonathan Eaton

Activities at EPGE: Present an article at the Research Seminar - "The Margins of Trade"

Penn State 23/11/2017
2017 Arthur Trindade

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

UnB 17/11/2017
2017 Daniel Cerqueira

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

IPEA 17/11/2017
2017 Eduardo Benones

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

Ministério Público Federal 17/11/2017
2017 Joana Monteiro

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

Instituto de Segurança Pública 17/11/2017
2017 Luiz Eduardo Soares

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública 17/11/2017
2017 Renato Casagrande

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

Governo do Espírito Santo 17/11/2017
2017 Renato Sérgio de Lima

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Paths to Effectiveness of Public Security in Brazil"

Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública 17/11/2017
2017 André Lara Resende

Activities at EPGE Ministered a class to graduate students on the recent debate on monetary phenomena and economic orthodoxy.

University of Columbia 09/11/2017
2017 Alketa Peci

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

FGV EBAPE 06/11/2017
2017 Daniel Vargas

Activities at EPGE: Moderator at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

FGV DIREITO RIO 06/11/2017
2017 Ernane Galvêas

Activities at EPGE: Moderator at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

Ministério da Fazenda 06/11/2017
2017 Ernesto Lozardo

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

IPEA 06/11/2017
2017 Flávio Ataliba

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

IPECE 06/11/2017
2017 Francisco Gil Castello Branco

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

Associação Contas Abertas 06/11/2017
2017 Gabriel Madeira

Activities at EPGE: Examination board’s external member of Marina Fontes Gontijo’ thesis defense in Doctorate in Economics.

USP 06/11/2017
2017 Gustavo Binenbojm

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

UERJ 06/11/2017
2017 João Felippe Cury Marinho Mathias

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

UFRJ 06/11/2017
2017 Manoel Pires

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

FGV IBRE 06/11/2017
2017 Roberto Castello Branco

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

FGV Crescimento e Desenvolvimento 06/11/2017
2017 Sérgio Guerra

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Role and Size of the Brazilian State"

FGV DIREITO RIO 06/11/2017
2017 Elena Landau

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Escritório de Advocacia Sérgio Bermudes 27/10/2017
2017 Felipe Cunha

Activities at EPGE: Lecturer at the Seminar "Modernization of Brazilian Infrastructure"

Brookfield Brasil 27/10/2017