Visiting Teaching Staff from Economics Departments

Displaying 301 - 350 of 1002
Year: 2019
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2019 Luca Bittarello

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Organizing Collective Action: Labor Strife in the U.S. in the 1880s"

Northwestern University 30/01/2019
2019 Alex Rivadeneira

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "All in the Family: Firm Dynamics and Family Management"

Arizona State University 28/01/2019
2019 Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Category Captainship"

University of Bergen 24/01/2019
2019 Alejandro Estefan Davila

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Women’s Access to the Labour Market and Domestic Violence: Causal Evidence from Mexico"

University College London 21/01/2019
2019 Philipp Sadowsky

Activities at EPGE: Present at the Research Seminar.

Duke University 21/01/2019
Year: 2018
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2018 Isis Durrmeyer

Activities at EPGE: Academic visit invited by Professor André Trindade.

Toulouse 19/12/2018 to 21/12/2018
2018 Marco Bonomo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Bonomo is working in article with Professor Cecilia Machado.

INSPER 17/12/2018 to 18/12/2018
2018 Gaston Illanes

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Competition, Asymmetric Information, and the Annuity Puzzle: Evidence from a Government-run Exchange in Chile"

Northwestern University 06/12/2018
2018 Jefferson Bertolai

Activities na EPGE: Research work development.

FEA/USP 03/12/2018 to 07/12/2018
2018 Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen

Activities na EPGE: Professor Tommy, Gabrielsen, will be on sabbatical and visiting EPGE. He will present the research seminar on 01/24 with the work Category Captainship.

University of Bergen 02/12/2018 to 01/03/2019
2018 Kei Kawai

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Missing bids and scoring auctions"

Berkeley 08/11/2018
2018 Rossen Valkanov

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "How to Invest in Corporate Debt? A Parametric Approach"

UCSD 26/10/2018
2018 Mauro Boianovsky

Activities at EPGE: Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at UNB. Invited by Professor Luis Braido to make a Seminar within the discipline - Contemporary Themes in Graduation.

Universidade de Brasilia 22/10/2018 to 23/10/2018
2018 Nathalie Gimenes

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Semiparametric Quantile Models for Ascending Auctions with Asymmetric Bidders”

PUC RIO 18/10/2018
2018 Jean-Paul Guihaumé

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Palestra com Cônsul Geral da França: “A Importância da língua e da cultura francesas no mundo, hoje e amanhã”"

Cônsul Geral da França no Rio de Janeiro 08/10/2018
2018 Armando Gomes

Activities at Epge: Professor Armando Gomes will present the research seminar with the article TBA and will work with Professor Humberto Moreira.

Olin Business School, Washington University 07/10/2018 to 11/10/2018
2018 Luiz Mário Brotherhood

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "The Allocation of Public Expenditures Across Educational Stages: A Quantitative Analysis for a Developing Country"

FGV EPGE 27/09/2018
2018 Domenico Giannone

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "Economic Predictions with Big Data:
The Illusion of Sparsity".

Federal Reserve Bank of New York 11/09/2018
2018 Dom Abade Filipe da Silva

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Religious Missions and Basic Education in Brazil”.

Reitor do Colégio de São Bento 31/08/2018
2018 Irmão Paulo Fossatti

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Religious Missions and Basic Education in Brazil”.

Presidente da ANEC e Reitor da UniLaSalle 31/08/2018
2018 Paula Leonardi

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Religious Missions and Basic Education in Brazil”.

Professora da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 31/08/2018
2018 Pe. João Geraldo Kolling

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Religious Missions and Basic Education in Brazil”.

Diretor Presidente da ASAV e Administrador BRA – Província dos Jesuítas do Brasil 31/08/2018
2018 Maria Lombardi

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Is the Remedy Worse Than the Disease? The Impact of Teacher Remediation on Teacher and Student Performance in Chile”.

University of Gothenburg 23/08/2018
2018 Adam Zawadowski

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar "The Tragedy of Complexity" .

Central European University 14/08/2018
2018 Rafael Dix-Carneiro

Activities at EPGE: Participated in the Seminar “Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations”.

Duke University 09/08/2018
2018 Bernardo Silveira

Activities at EPGE: Professor Bernardo will present a research seminar and work with Professor Humberto Moreira.

Olin Business School 31/07/2018 to 17/08/2018
2018 Luciano Irineu de Castro Filho

Activities at EPGE: Professor Luciano will be working with Professor Humberto Moreira, from the 3rd to the 7th of July, and from the 23rd of July to the 3rd of August.

The University of Iwoa 22/07/2018 to 03/08/2018
2018 Marco Bonomo

Activities at EPGE: Professor Bonomo is working in article with Professor Cecilia Machado.

INSPER 17/07/2018 to 18/07/2018
2018 Renato Gomes

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of a Research Seminar at EPGE on 07/19/18 and working with Prof. Lucas Maestri..

Escola de Economia de Tolouse 16/07/2018 to 27/07/2018
2018 Adam Zawadowski

Activities at EPGE: Professor Adam will present the EPGE Research Seminar, with an article The Tragedy of Complexity.

Central European University 12/07/2018 to 14/07/2018
2018 André de Castro Silva

Activities at EPGE: Teach the Investments course and seminars in Macrofinance for the Professional Master's in Finance and Business Economics at EPGE from July 10 to August 18, 2018..

Universidade Nova de Lisboa 10/07/2018 to 18/08/2018
2018 Marco Bonomo

Activities at EPGE: Meeting with student Fernando Barbosa.

INSPER 29/06/2018
2018 Felipe Schwartzman

EPGE Activities:: Presentation of the article “What Drives Business Cycles? Learning from the Cross-Section of Industries in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

FED - Richmond 28/06/2018
2018 Adriana Fernandes

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a moderator at the Seminar "Ajuste Fiscal: o que significa para o Brasil?"

Grupo Estado 21/06/2018
2018 Carlos Vegh

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Ajuste Fiscal: o que significa para o Brasil?"

Banco Mundial 21/06/2018
2018 Felipe Salto

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Ajuste Fiscal: o que significa para o Brasil?"

IFI/Senado Federal 21/06/2018
2018 Gustavo H. B. Franco

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Ajuste Fiscal: o que significa para o Brasil?"

Rio Bravo Investimentos 21/06/2018
2018 Martin Raiser

Activities at EPGE: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar "Ajuste Fiscal: o que significa para o Brasil?"

Banco Mundial 21/06/2018
2018 Marco Bonomo

Activities at EPGE: - Participation in the thesis defense committee of student Ana Flavia Soares dos Santos Oliveira.

INSPER 18/06/2018
2018 William Peterman

EPGE Activities: Presentation of the article “Optimal Public Debt with Life Cycle Motives” (co-written by Erick Sager) in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Academic Seminar.

Federal Reserve Board 13/06/2018
2018 Andrew Haynes

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Norton Rose Fullbright 05/06/2018
2018 Bruno Armbrust

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Gás Natural Fenosa no Brasil 05/06/2018
2018 Fernando Viana

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Banco do Nordeste 05/06/2018
2018 Gustavo Manfrim

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Ministério da Fazenda 05/06/2018
2018 Jerson Kelman

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Ex-Presidente da SABESP 05/06/2018
2018 José Guilherme Cruz Souza

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Vinci Partners 05/06/2018
2018 Luciene Machado

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

BNDES 05/06/2018
2018 Marcelo Barbosa

EPGE Activities: Presentation of Lecture "The Role of the Regulator in the Capital Market" in the context of the FGV EPGE’s Contemporary Issues. 

Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) 05/06/2018
2018 Marina Francisco

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) 05/06/2018
2018 Paul Procee

EPGE Activities: Participated as a speaker at the Seminar “Uma nova arquitetura para investimentos em infraestrutura no Brasil”.

Banco Mundial 05/06/2018