Professional Masters Program in Finance and Business Economics

General information, Scope and Objectives

The Professional Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance (MFEE) offered by FGV EPGE is a high qualification stricto sensu post-graduation program intended to provide a solid and deep graduation, with application of the most modern economic and finance theories and current issues involving the financial market, corporate organization, economic policies and similar areas.

Destined to professionals from different areas that seek technical and practical understanding of main concepts in Economics and Finance, the Master’s Degree counts on six research fields: Finance, Business Economics, Public Policies’ Regulation and Evaluation, Economics of Infrastructure, Data Science applied to Economics and Economics and Finance of Energy (new field).

Recommended by Capes with concept five, maximum score for professional master’s degrees.

Excellence in knowledge production and dissemination

"MFEE is within a school that seeks excellence at international level since its creation. Its professors are ruled by a seniority system similar to that adopted by American and European schools, and are assessed according to the visibility of their research in publications and quotations in mainstream Finance and Economics journals. Moreover, international seminars are organized regularly, including the participation of professors awarded with Nobel Prize or that are editors in important journals. EPGE annually recruits assistant professors in the international job market to keep its staff’s vitality, also seeking to involve students from its professional and academic programs in international exchanges with Government and Regulation schools, as well as Finance and Economics departments", state the program’s coordinators Joísa Campanher Dutra and Ricardo de Oliveira Cavalcanti.

Considered for the fourth year in a row as one of the best education institutions worldwide that train professionals qualified for the market (*) by the Global Employability University Ranking, Fundação Getulio Vargas is also the best Think Tank in Latin America. According to Global Go To Think Tanks Index 2019, disclosed in February 2020, FGV occupies the 5th position among the best in the world.

FGV's work in the study, analysis and preparation of researches and public policies, makes of it a renowned Think Tank, contributing to Brazil's insertion in the international scenario. Think Tanks are chiefly intended to produce research to analyze public policies, solve deadlocks, find innovative solutions, in addition to promoting knowledge progress and debates with the society, and, due to that, are becoming increasingly more important in the global scenario.

(*) Source: The New York Times, 2014.


The only Brazilian post-graduation program in Economics with four maximum grades (Five) accumulated in the four last assessments by Capes (2001-2003, 2007-2009, 2010-2012 and 2013-2016).

Professional skills by the end of the course:

  • Analyze, in a sophisticated way, economic and financial problems;
  • Apply econometric and computational modeling tools to essential issues in financial areas;
  • Propose and execute practical solutions based on quantitative methods, in Finance and Economics areas.
  • Risk management in companies’ assessment processes.

Student Exchange

In the Exchange Program, during the master’s degree course, the student will have the opportunity to study abroad and consider the credits in the MFEE.

CAPES Regulation

(Regulated by Normative Ordinance No. 17, of December 28, 2009)

The Professional Master’s Program is a stricto sensu program which provides capacitation to professionals from diverse fields of knowledge, through the study of techniques, processes and themes which serve to the demand from the labor market.

Its main objective is to contribute to the national productive sector by aggregating a higher level of competitiveness and productivity to private and public organizations. Consequently, the proposals of the Professional Masters Program must present a curricular structure that emphasizes the connection between actualized knowledge, dominance of pertinent methodology and application oriented to the specific professional field. Thus, part of the faculty must be constituted of professionals well recognized in their specific area of knowledge, regarding their qualifications and stellar contribution to fields pertinent to the proposal of the program. The dissertation has to be connected to real problems in the professional field of the student and in consonance to the nature and goal of the course, although it can be addressed in different formats.