The Master's and PhD Programs from EPGE follow the models of the main international economics departments, sharing the same Basic Cycle and Research Areas. The way of obtaining the Degree, as well as the completion deadlines, differs according to the type of admission into the programs. Details of the selection process in each of these two cases can be obtained through the connection "admission".
Candidates for the master's degree are ideally within 24 (twenty four) months and a maximum of 27 (twenty seven) months to obtain the Degree. Such term is counted from the entrance date in the Master Program. Doctoral candidates for the title are ideally within 48 (forty-eight) months and a maximum of 52 (fifty-two) months to obtain the Degree. That period runs from the date of entry in the Doctoral Program.
The Master students from EPGE who will enter the PhD program by the internal selection ( Item 1.1 from the Regulation), through a request to the School, without the Master thesis’ defense, will have the previous Master´s start date as the PhD start date, as determined by Capes. That is, the PhD degree´s term (mentioned in another part of this Regulation) will count from the Master´s registration date onwards.
1. Join the Programs:
1.1. Doctorate
Admission in the Doctoral Program can be in two ways:
- External selection - through connection "admission"
- Internal Selection - for students from the Master's Program
These are the entry conditions to the Doctoral Program in the specific case of students with an internal selection:
- i) Approval in 11 compulsory subjects of the training cycle at the end of the first year; or
- ii) Approval in internal selection process for the Doctoral Program, by presenting the project previously approved by Advisor and by EPGE’s Dean, and to be hold in the third quarter of each academic year.
Even in the case of students who entered the school by the Master's program, entry into the Doctoral Program, once satisfied one of the two above conditions, may take place no later than the 30th month of course.
Obtaining a master's degree is not a prerequisite for admission neither for the completion of the PhD Program. However, once enrolled in the Doctoral degree, regardless of the selection, the student is not eligible for the Master's degree.
1.1.1. Doctoral degree in Economics
The Doctoral degree in Economics from EPGE lasts ideally four years, divided into two parts: the formation cycle and the research cycle.
a) Formation Cycle:
The formation cycle is ideal for one year. The school year is divided into four quarters, each with approximately twelve (12) weeks. In the first year students should perform the following eleven (11) compulsory subjects of the training course:
- Microeconomic Theory I, II and III.
- Macroeconomic Theory I, II and III.
- Mathematical Analysis I and II.
- Statistics I and II, and Econometrics I.
The grades are expressed on a scale of 0.00 (zero) to 10.00 (ten), and 6.00 (six) is the minimum passing grade in each disciplines.
Students who join the school directly in Doctoral Program (External selection), to remain in the program from 24 month course necessarily:
- i) be approved in 11 subjects of the formation cycle at the end of the first year; or
- ii) be approved in internal process, by presenting the project previously approved by Advisor and by EPGE’s Dean, and to be hold in the third quarter of each academic year.
Note. The process by which referred to item (ii) above is similar to the process which undergo students who entered the school through the Masters Program and have not been approved in all disciplines of the Formation Cycle until the end of the first year.
b) Research Cycle:
During this period PhD students must undertake the following activities, all of them constituting a prerequisite for obtaining the title of Doctor:
- (1a) Attend the four (4) compulsory subjects of the research cycle: Advanced Economic Theory I and II, Game Theory and one discipline of Econometrics field;
- (1b) Attend a minimum of six elective subjects satisfying the requirements of at least two fields of specialization; (The relationship between fields and disciplines, including classification as primary or non-primary, can be obtained through this connection);
- (1c) Have a minimum frequency of 75% in the School´s Research Seminars during the second, third and fourth years of the program; acceptance for publication of articles in academic journals or high academic achievement during the course may exempt the student part of the requirements of this item at the discretion and under the terms defined in each case by their advisor and the Academic Congregation of the School;
- (1d) Present, from the third year of the program, to the final approval of the doctoral thesis, an annual public seminar dealing on topics covered in his thesis;
- (1e) Complete the first article of the thesis by the end of the 34th month. The fulfillment of this requirement should be reported by the student's advisor to the General Secretariat of EPGE;
- (1f) Present two articles by the 40th month for evaluation by a committee composed of the advisor and two professors from the school;
- (1g) Check proficiency in English language, according to the school rules; Obs.: Proficiency Examinations in this language will be conducted annually. Diplomas and proficiency certificates issued by renowned institutions can fill out the proficiency requirements.(Only portuguese).
- (1h) Presentation and public defense of a doctoral thesis supervised by teacher accredited by the School for such this purpose.
Note 1: The appointment of the doctoral thesis defense can only occur after the compliance in applying, all the requirements of Formation Cycle and items 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f and 1g of the Research Cycle.
Note 2: Students of Masters and PhD with credits already completed must demonstrate effective and sustained commitment to the development of their research. It is also expected of students in preparation of their thesis or dissertation stage regular attendance to academic activities of the School. Failure to follow these requirements may lead to the cancellation of the scholarship and whether in the case of scholarship or non-scholarship students, termination from the Course.
1.2. Master's degree
The entrance to the Master's Program has the usual and basic reference the exam from ANPEC.
1.2.1. Master's degree in economics:
All candidates for the Master's degree must get approval in all eleven (11) compulsory subjects of the formation cycle.
In addition, students must meet the following additional requirements (beyond approval in the 11 compulsory subjects):
- (2a) Approval in five (5) courses (mandatory or elective) of the research cycle;
- (2b) approval by the School, duly documented by the Secretary General by the end of the sixth quarter of the course, a Master's dissertation research project;
- (2c) have minimum frequency of 75% in the School´s Research Seminars during the second year of the program;
- (2d) Proof of proficiency in English language;
- (2e) Public defense and approval of a Master's thesis supervised by teacher accredited by the School for such this purpose.
Obs .: The schedule of the Master's dissertation defense can only occur after fulfillment of, as applied, the items 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d and 2e, as well as approval in eleven (11) compulsory courses of the Formation Cycle.
2. Sufficiency and Recovery Exams
Students from both Doctoral and Master’s programs may apply for up to four (4) sufficiency or recovery exams at the beginning of each year, in January. Such exams may be used to:
- Recovery of the first year grades of the students who are entering the second year; or
- Sufficiency of those students who believe they are apt to understand the subject (this possibility requires the Program Coordinator’s approval).
Regarding the Recovery Exams, the maximum grade for academic registration effect in the discipline will be equal to 6.0 (six). Regarding the Sufficiency Exams, the student approved will be registered as "Dispensed from Discipline".
3. Scholarships
Student approved in EPGE’s Admission Process is exempt from tuition payment and may also compete for development agencies’ scholarship. The values and rules of obtaining and maintaining the scholarships are subject to the standards set by public funding agencies, namely CNPq ( National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) , CAPES / PROEX ( Personal Improvement Coordination of Higher Education / Program Academic Excellence ) and FAPERJ (Foundation for Research of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Partnerships with some private institutions have also made possible over the past few years, the provision of some additional scholarship.
4. Dismissal Rules
Students will be dismissed from the Program if they fail to comply with the rules and deadlines established in this Regulation and the Student Guide (which complements this Regulation), as well as in the EPGE Internal Bylaws and the FGV Code of Ethics. The following items are supplementary to all the rules contained in the aforementioned documents:
- a. Failure to pass at least 7 of the 11 mandatory courses in the first-year training cycle;
- b. Failing the same mandatory course of the training cycle twice in succession;
- c. Non-compliance with the requirements for remaining in the Doctoral Program as described in Section 1.1.1 (item a) and Note 2 (Section 1.1) of this Regulation;
- d. Engaging in behavior incompatible with the FGV Code of Ethics or committing disciplinary infractions in violation of the provisions of Chapter II – Student Body, of the Bylaws of EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance.