Selection Process – PhD Program

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Admission to the Ph.D. may be through the EPGE Master´s (see rules in "Internal Selection" in Regulation menu) or directly (Direct Doctorate)

In the first form of access, students enter the EPGE master's course and, later, move on to the Ph.D. The passage to the Ph.D. can take place after completion of the master's degree or even during the term of this course (master's), by performance, upon request to the School.

The procedure inv which the student decides to apply for the PhD without going through the EPGE Masters, is called Direct Doctorate.

The Ph.D. course is the same, whether for students who enter the Direct Doctorate, or for students who enter through the EPGE Master's degree. Students are submitted to the same subjects, rules for obtaining a title and criteria for accessing scholarships.

The EPGE selection process for the Direct Doctorate course takes place between July and December of each year, within the principles of equality and impersonality.


Direct Doctorate

The Direct Doctorate allows the student to enter directly into the Ph.D. without having to go through the master's course, either at EPGE or other institutions. The direct Doctorate in Economics at EPGE is open to holders of an undergraduate degree in any area of knowledge, being more suitable for those with an emphasis on quantitative methods. In some cases, students with a master's titles degree (in some area) could help in the selection process, but it is not a necessary condition for admission to the Direct Doctorate.

FGV EPGE with select the candidates through two possible admission’s forms, which may occur simultaneously, if it is of the candidate’s interest and depending on the requirements’ attendance of each process described on the Call(Only in portuguese).


1 – External Selection

Usually, FGV EPGE selects its PhD Program students upon analysis of academic information and documents provided.

In this process, candidates are selected by a Committee represented by its faculty, which takes into account, but not restricted to, Recommendation letters, possibilities and candidate’s capability to academic activities required in the course and the candidate’s performance in ANPEC or GRE exams.

See the Selection Process Call(Only in portuguese). for details about PhD Program.

2 – Selection by average equal or higher than 8.0 (eight) in the optional Graduate Course named “Introduction to Mathematical Analysis”

Alternatively to the usual process of external selection of the PhD Program, FGV EPGE may also accept students which were approved with average equal or higher than 8.0 (eight) in the “Introduction to Mathematical Analysis” Course.

Students from any Higher Education Institution, in Economics or related areas (Engineering, Administration or Statistics) are eligible for this type of selection.

The course will be held from August to October, each year.

Information about the Selection Process for the Introduction to Mathematical Analysis course may be obtained at FGV EPGE’s website.


Student approved in EPGE’s Admission Process is exempt from tuition payment and may also compete for development agencies’ scholarship. The values and rules of obtaining and maintaining the scholarships are subject to the standards set by public funding agencies, namely CNPq ( National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) , CAPES / PROEX ( Personal Improvement Coordination of Higher Education / Program Academic Excellence ) and FAPERJ (Foundation for Research of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Partnerships with some private institutions have also made possible over the past few years, the provision of some additional scholarship

Application Timeline (for both admission forms)

Registration: 12/22/24 until 6pm

Formalization of Registration (upload of documents) – 12/22/24 until 6pm

Interviews – 12/26/24

Publication of the Final Result – 01/06/25, after 6pm.

Classes start – 01/13/2025

Coordination Meeting

The meeting provides an opportunity for candidates or those interested in the Academic Master's and Doctorate degrees to learn more about the course and clarify any doubts.


FGV/EPGE – Graduate Studies Office
Phone: (55 21) 3799-5479
WhatsApp: (21) 97127-3809
Praia de Botafogo, 190, room 1123
ZIP Code: 22250-900 | Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 9am until miday and from 2pm until 4:30pm

Further Information