Bankruptcy Law as an Alternative to Fiscal Policy in a Woodford Model with a Productivity Shock.
Macroeconomic dynamics. vol. 29, pp. 1-22, 2024
The Labor Effects of Judicial Bias in Bankruptcy.
Journal of Financial Economics. vol. 150, pp. 1-15, 2023
Aloisio Pessoa de Araujo; Rafael de Vasconcelos Xavier Ferreira; Flavio Luiz Alves Flores de Moraes; Jacopo Ponticelli; Margarita Tsoutsoura; Spyridon Lagaras
Corrigendum to "Adverse selection without single crossing: Monotone solutions".
Journal of economic theory. vol. 158, pp. 127-164, 2022
A necessary optimality condition in two-dimensional screening.
Economic theory. vol. 73, pp. 781-806, 2022
Equilibrium efficiency with secured and unsecured assets.
Economic theory. vol. 73, pp. 1025-1049, 2022
Lack of prevalence of the endowment effect: An equilibrium analysis.
Journal of mathematical economics. vol. 102, pp. 102763, 2022
Refinement of dynamic equilibrium using small random perturbations.
International journal of economic theory. vol. 17, pp. 258-283, 2021
Aloisio Pessoa de Araujo; Wilfredo Fernando Leiva Maldonado; Diogo Pinheiro; Alberto A. Pinto; Mohammad Choubdar Soltanahmadi
Endogenous discounting, wariness, and efficient capital taxation.
Journal of economic theory. vol. 183, pp. 520-545, 2019
Updating pricing rules.
Economic theory. vol. 68, pp. 335-361, 2019
Crashing of efficient stochastic bubbles.
Journal of mathematical economics. vol. 84, pp. 136-143, 2019
Teoria Macroeconômica com Fragilidade Fiscal.
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Uma Calibragem do Modelo de Krugman-Flood-Garber para o Caso Brasileiro.
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General equilibrium with uncertainty loving preferences.
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Financial market structures revealed by pricing rules: Efficient complete markets are prevalent.
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Heterogeneous expectations, collateral constraints and unconventional monetary policy.
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Bargained haircuts and debt policy implications.
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Optimal Sharing with an infinite number of commodities in the presence of Optimistic and Pessimistic agents.
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Shortcomings of the Brazilian Pre-Salt auction Design.
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Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy with Endogenous Collateral Constraints.
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General equilibrium, preferences and financial institutions after the crisis.
Economic theory. vol. 58, pp. 217-254, 2015
The marginal tariff approach without single-crossing.
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How Much Should Debtors be Punished in Case of Default?
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Regulating Collateral-Requirements when Markets Are Incomplete.
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Pricing Rules and Arrow Debreu Ambiguous Valuation.
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The Brazilian bankruptcy law experience.
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Speculative Attacks, Openess and Crises.
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General equilibrium, wariness and efficient bubbles.
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Long-lived Collateralized Assets and Bubbles.
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Adverse Selection Problems without the Spence-Mirrlees Condition.
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A Model of Mixed Signals with Applications to Countersignalling.
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